Money problems can be incredibly stressful, causing anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. WE understand that mental health struggles might lead to impulsive spending, poor financial decisions, or difficulty managing finances effectively.
We aim for our lending to support mental wellbeing, by fixing leaky roofs, replacing boilers and funding replacement windows amongst many other works.
Sometimes circumstances beyond our control cause our money situation to spiral out of control and cause us significant stress. If you are reading this and that is how you are feeling, please reach out to organisations such as the ones below to support you.
If you are worried that you have a mental health problem and that would cause you to be turned down for a loan, please be assured that we make our lending decisions based on your overall financial position. You do not have to disclose your mental health to us, but we would encourage you to be open as it will allow us to support you better with the strictest of confidence and no judgement.
Support that you need may be as simple as asking us to email you because you do not like speaking over the phone, or to contact you at a specific time.
We understand that borrowing money can feel daunting. We are more than happy to talk to any support workers or family members you authorise us to speak with to support you and make the best decision for your circumstances.
If you officially lack capacity to make decisions, we can speak with your appointed Power of Attorney and may still be able to support works to your property with a loan.